jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Planta de Fresa o Strawberry plants

Por lo que sabemos la Planta de Fresa o Strawberry plants es muy demandada en el mercado ingles debido a los numeros huertos y terrenos que poseen. En Segovía se cultiva de una manera profesional la planta de fresa que luego se exporta a otros paises de Europa para ser replantada y cultivada en ellos.

For all we know Plant Strawberry or Strawberry plants is in high demand in the English market because of the many orchards and land they own. Segovia is grown in a professional way strawberry plants are then exported to other countries in Europe to be replanted and cultivated in them. These plants grow on a strawberry, the quality plants of VIVEROS CAMPIÑAS S CA work very well at the beginning of the seasons, with minimum replant percentages, lacking of disease and due to all that, cost reduction and guaranty of a good crop.

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